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Quantum Numbers • Practice Problems

Problem #1 What information can be associated with the principal quantum number (n) ? Problem #2 Which set of quantum numbers is invalid?...

Problem #1 What information can be associated with the principal quantum number (n) ?

Problem #2 Which set of quantum numbers is invalid? Problem #3

How many orbital are in the sub-shell with the quantum numbers: n = __, l = 2, ml = -2, -1, 0, +1, +2 Problem #4

Which of the following quantum numbers set is possible? Problem #5

If the maximum magnetic quantum number (ml ) is __, identify the principal quantum number (n). Problem #6

If the maximum magnetic quantum number (ml ) is 3, what is the angular momentum quantum number ( l ). Problem #7

How many __ orbitals are there in an atom? Problem #8

How many __ orbitals are there in an atom? Problem #9

Determine the quantum numbers for the __ orbital. Problem #10

Determine the maximum number of orbitals for the following quantum numbers: Problem #11

Which of the following orbital does not exist? Problem #12

Determine the orbital for the following quantum numbers:

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