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Gas Laws • Practice Problems

Problem #1 A gas container is connected to an open-ended monomer.  The ambient pressure is 760 Torr. If the mercury level on the open end is...

Problem #1

A gas container is connected to an open-ended monomer.  The ambient pressure is 760 Torr. If the mercury level on the open end is 22.54 mm and 74.13 mm on the gas end, what is the pressure of the gas?

Problem #2

A 4.00 L cylinder containing  0.838 mol of methane (CH4), 0.184 mol of ethane (CH3CH3), and 0.712 mol of neon has a pressure of 928 mmHg at 298 K.  Determine the partial pressure of Ne.

Problem #3

A piston containing 94.3 g of CH4 has a volume of 43 mL. The pressure inside the piston increases by 87 mmHg such that the final volume is 37.2 mL at constant temperature. What is the original pressure inside the piston (in mmHg)?

Problem #4

A balloon containing 694 g of helium gas has an initial volume of 158.7 mL at 25 oC and under an external pressure of 1.00 atm. The balloon is raised to the sky where the external pressure decreases to 0.37 atm and its volume increases to 359 mL.  Determine the temperature (in Kelvin) of the gas at 0.37 atm.

Problem #5

An ideal gas initially at 1,080 Pa has its pressure increased by a factor of 5.9 at constant temperature.  If the initial volume was 1,926 mL, what is the final volume?

Problem #6

The temperature of N2 (g) in a flexible container changes from 14 oC to -14 oC.  If the initial pressure was 0.58 KPa and the volume increased by 50%, what is the final pressure (in KPa)?

Problem #7

A 352 g sample of nitrogen gas is contained in a 55 L cylinder at 34.0 oC and atmospheric pressure.  What mass (in grams) of nitrogen gas must be released to change the pressure to 1.12 atm?

Problem #8

Calculate the density of butane gas (C4H10) gas at 184 oC and 775 Torr.

Problem #9

Determine the partial pressure for H2 (g) in a mixture containing 6.1 g H2 and 5.3 g He in a 2.25 L cylinder at 12 oC.

Problem #10

A 1.80 L cylinder contains argon gas at 590 Torr and 94.6 oC.  If 1.40 g of benzene vapor (C6H6) is added to the cylinder, what is the total pressure in Torr?

Problem #11

Find the temperature (in Celsius) of a hydrogen gas system with density of 0.08 g/L at 1.00 atm.

Problem #12

A 10.5 L cylinder contains 17.20 moles of oxygen gas producing a pressure of 40,722 Pa at 38.7 ˚C. Additional oxygen gas is added to the cylinder such that the temperature and pressure change to 141.3 ˚C and 128,018 Pa, respectively.  Estimate how many moles of gas were added.

Problem #13

A gas in a  15.0 L cylinder has a temperature of 42.3 oC.  If the pressure increases to 205 oC, by what factor the pressure increases?

Problem #14

Calcium metal dissolves in hydrochloric acid producing calcium chloride and hydrogen gas.  If calcium metal is in excess and 38.3 L hydrogen gas is produced at 62.0 oC and 1.62 atm, what is the volume (in liters) of hydrochloric acid required for the reaction?

Problem #15

Determine the volume (in liters) of CO2 formed at STP when 154.2 g of ethane reacts with excess of oxygen gas. 

C2H6 (g)  +  O2 (g)  →  CO2 (g)  +  H2O (g)

Problem #16

How many grams of HCl must be used to produce 10.0 L of chlorine at STP?

2HCl (g) → H2 (g)  +  Cl2 (g)

Problem #17

Zn(s) (3.132 g) reacts with HCl(aq) in excess producing H2 (g) and ZnCl2 at atmospheric pressure of 752 mmHg and temperature of 21.0 oC.  If the partial pressure of water vapor is 18.65 mmHg at 21.0 oC and the total pressure of the gases released by the reaction mixture equals the atmospheric pressure, how many liters of H2 (g) can be collected over the water?

Problem #18

How the ideal gas constant (R) is determined?

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