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Meaning of the Letter Grades

The letters A, B, C, D, and F are used to represent the understanding of a particular subject in a particular moment in time. A  is the hig...

The letters A, B, C, D, and F are used to represent the understanding of a particular subject in a particular moment in time.

  • A is the highest grade and indicates excellent mastery of the learning objectives with high critical thinking, and superior problem solving skills.
  • B is a good grade and indicates mastery of the learning objectives with above-average critical thinking and problem solving skills.
  • C is a satisfactory grade and indicates average mastery of the learning objectives with average critical thinking and average problem solving skills.
  • D is a failing grade and indicates below-average performance.
  • F is a failing grade.

The letters are converted to percentage as follows:

  • A = 90-100%
  • B = 80-89%
  • C = 70-79%
  • D = 60-69%
  • F = 0-59%

The percentage is a quantification of how many of the learning objectives have been mastered by the student. For example, if a student has 95% in a course, it means that he or she has mastered 95% of all the learning objectives with high critical thinking, and superior problem solving skills.

If you have a grade of A in a course, you are considered an expert in the subject matter for the corresponding academic level. Therefore, there will be high expectations from you on that particular subject. If you underperform later on, it will not be seen with good eyes; you and even the University may lose credibility. For those reasons, the grade A is reserved for outstanding students only.