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12 Essential Skills for Success

College is a time of great growth and learning, both academically and personally. In order to succeed, you need to develop a variety of skil...

College is a time of great growth and learning, both academically and personally. In order to succeed, you need to develop a variety of skills. Here are 10 skills that are essential success in college and beyond:

  1. Responsibility
    As an adult you need to take responsibility for everything. Be on time for class, completing assignments, make you own food, etc. Do not blame others for your lack of responsibility. 
  2. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills
    You are constantly being asked to think critically and solve problems. These skills are essential for success in all areas of college life, from coursework to extracurricular activities.
  3. Welcome diversity
    In college and professional career you will meet people from different ethnic groups, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, political affiliations, and socio-economics backgrounds. It is important to respect and embrace diversity to grow a healthy society.
  4. Communication skills
    You need to be able to communicate effectively in both written and oral form. This includes being able to clearly articulate their ideas, listen attentively, and collaborate with others.
  5. Time management skills
    You have a lot on the plate, from coursework to extracurricular activities to social life. It is important to be able to manage your time effectively in order to stay on top of everything.
  6. Organization skills
    You need to be able to keep track of your belongings, your assignments, and your commitments. Organization skills can help you stay on track and avoid stress.
  7. Self-management skills
    You need to be able to motivate yourself, set goals, and manage your emotions. These skills are essential for success in college and beyond.
  8. Collaboration skills
    You will often be working on projects with others. It is important for you to be able to collaborate effectively with others in order to achieve common goals.
  9. Information literacy skills
    You need to be able to access, evaluate, and use information effectively. These skills are essential for success in coursework, research, and jobs beyond college.
  10. Digital literacy skills
    You need to be able to use technology effectively in your studies and in your personal live. These skills are essential for success in college and beyond.
  11. Global awareness skills
    You need to be aware of the world around you and how your actions impact others. These skills are essential for success in college and in the global workforce.
  12. Resilience skills
    You will face challenges throughout college and professional career. It is important for you to be able to bounce back from setbacks and persevere in the face of challenges.

To master these skills take time, but it can be done. Some of these will come to you more easily than others. Cultivate those skills that come to you naturally and work on those that do not. By developing these skills, you can set yourself up for success in college and beyond.

Here are some additional tips for college students:

  • Get involved on campus. Joining clubs, organizations, and sports teams is a great way to meet new people, make friends, and learn new skills.
  • Ask for help when you need it. Don't be afraid to ask your professors, TAs, or academic advisors for help when you're struggling with a concept or assignment.
  • Take care of yourself. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. Taking care of your physical and mental health will help you stay focused and productive in college.
  • Enjoy your college experience! College is a time to explore new ideas, meet new people, and have fun. Don't forget to take some time to relax and enjoy yourself.