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Amines: Properties and Preparation

Amines are organic compounds that contain a nitrogen atom bonded to one or more alkyl groups. They are found in a wide variety of materials...

Amines are organic compounds that contain a nitrogen atom bonded to one or more alkyl groups. They are found in a wide variety of materials, including drugs, plastics, and explosives. Amines are also important in the human body, where they play a role in the production of proteins and neurotransmitters.

Amines are classified according to the number of alkyl groups attached to the nitrogen atom. Primary amines have one alkyl group, secondary amines have two alkyl groups, and tertiary amines have three alkyl groups. Amines can also be classified as aliphatic or aromatic. Aliphatic amines have a carbon-hydrogen chain attached to the nitrogen atom, while aromatic amines have a benzene ring attached to the nitrogen atom.


  • Structure
  • Classification
  • Stereochemistry
  • Nitrogen inversion
  • Physical properties
  • Preparation of amines