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Can the proper face mask protect you against the Covid-19?

  Often  people use common sense to get their answers.  The problem is that what make sense to you might not make sense to somebody else, an...


Often people use common sense to get their answers.  The problem is that what make sense to you might not make sense to somebody else, and it might not even be the correct answer.

But that is OK.

Fortunately, we have a way to get answers objectively, and that is through observations.

We have 3 categories of truth: personal truth, political truth, and objective truth or scientific truth. The objective truth, it is true not matter what. It does matter what you believe in, the objective true does not change.
Neil deGrasse Tyson

Read the article and watch the videos below to learn what experimental observations say about whether the face mask can protect you from getting infected with Covid-19.

Then take the quiz.


Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath and efficacy of face masks

Click here to take the quiz